If you are getting married on Maui, you may want to consider providing your guests with locally made wedding favors. So many amazing items are made on Maui, including coffee, candy, jewelry, soaps, beauty products, beverages, and foods. We hope this list provides some helpful information and encourages you to keep it local.
Some local favors to consider: Jeff’s Jams and Jellies: http://www.jeffsjamsandjellies.com/
Maui Macaroons http://www.mauimacaroon.com/
Ocean Vodka mini bottles http://oceanvodka.com/
Ali’I Kula Lavender Farm http://www.aliikulalavender.com/
Maui Tropical Soaps http://mauitropicalsoaps.com/
Maui Soap Company: www.MauiBath.com
Maui Coffee Roasters http://www.mauicoffeeroasters.com/
Island Essence: http://www.islandessence.com/
Maui Fruit Jewels: www.MauiFruitJewels.com
Maui Rainbow Tea: www.MauiRainbowTea.com
Wow-Wee Maui’s Candy Bar www.WowWeeMaui.com
Hula Cookies: www.HulaCookies.com
Paradise Garden Soaps http://www.paradisegardensoaps.com/soaps.htm